Monday, November 8, 2010


There is nothing I love more than going back in time and scrappin' pictures from when my kids were younger.  Just one photo can hold so many wonderful memories and make me smile for hours!  This photo did that for me.  I was about 4 years ago and Jordan had just gotten home from a very wet and muddy soccer practice at the park behind our house.  The phone rang and some of the girls decided to spend a few more minutes at the park in the mud --- of course Jordan was all for it!  She put her cleats back on and headed back to the park.  They must have slid and rolled in that mud for at least 30 minutes!  I was thankful for one of the mom's taking this photo!  This is Jordan all the way -- never afraid of doing what it takes for a little but of fun!

Products Used:

#1115 - Cheerleading Star
#7509 - Kick it Good Rub-on
#1248 - Soccer Game
#1269 - Mother/Mom
#1161 - Playing Video Games

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