Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Wild, Wild West

We recently spent a week in sunny Arizona - what a welcome and warm relief from the cold of a midwest winter!  While there we spent time sightseeing in Tombstone and a day at Old Tucson Studios.  Spending time at these places brought back memories from my childhood, spending time with my dad - a guy that loved watching "shoot 'em up" westerns on tv.  It was fun to see where old episodes of Bonanzo were filmed as well as movies like Rio Bravo and McClintock. 

Supplies used:
#1296 - Horses 12 x 12 dbl sided paper
#5557 - Horses Cardstock Stickers
#1269 Mother/Mom 12 x 12 dbl sided paper
#1221 In The Garden 12 x 12 dbl sided paper
#1332 Tennis - Sports Head On 12 x 12 dbl sided paper

Thanks for looking! 