Thursday, June 7, 2012

Last Day at SMS

The last day of school normally is a time that all kids are looking forward to, but that was not the case this year for mine.  They knew is just brought them closer to the move.  I know that I was really struggling, knowing it was our last year at SMS.  It is such a wonderful community that I can't imagine finding something that compares.  I was really expecting to find Maddy upset saying goodbye to all her friends, but I found just the opposite.  She had a beautiful smile on her face as she hugged and said goodbye to all of her friends.  They on the other hand were all crying :)  She didn't know it, but it was a gift to me to see her so brave.  I knew then that she was going to be just fine in her new school. 
I started with the 6th grade paper from the school is cool line and then added little pops of color with some scraps I had from previous projects. I love it when I can use up those scraps! I think it really highlights the photos :)

Scrappin' Sports Papers Used:
School is Cool line:
    #1360 Fifth/Sixth Grade (background & red circles)
    #1359 Third/Fourth Grade (Yellow Circles)
    #1357 First Grade (Green Dots)
    #1358 Second Grade (orange stars)
Title Sports line:
    #1379 Soccer (green stars)
    #1381 Tennis (yellow stripes)

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet layout Karen. Here's to a hopin' and a wishin' and a prayin' that all goes well with your move this summer and many great new adventures await you.
