Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Just for Kicks!

Soccer moms know the truth...pretty much every soccer game starts to look the same when you are a scrapbooker. I decided I should mix it up a bit and scrap a practice instead of a game for the week this was taken (it helped clinche my decision that I had a crop to go to during the game that weekend, tee hee!).  My daughter certainly mixed it up color wise for her practice outfit that day, didn't she?  So scrapping the pictures was a bit of a challenge.  I went with the pink of her shirt for a little contrast and I actually love the look against the green, white and black of the soccer papers.

  Notice, too, that I used the mini soccer balls popped up on the larger ones for my little banner. I love a little dimension on my pages! So next time you're faced with the same old weekly game photos, mix it up and photograph a practice instead, just for kicks!!

Products Used:
Sporty Words- Soccer #1405
Sports Head On- Soccer #1330
Name of the Game- Soccer Balls #1259
Girls Rule- Soccer #1393
Soccer Stickers #5541
Soccer Ball Stickers #5530