Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Need a tissue?

With school coming to a close, I instantly start thinking about school supplies for next year so I can stock up for the summer.  Things that are always on the list...pencils, crayons...TISSUES!!  So why not create this cute tissue box cover?

Here's how...

Start with 2 sheets of 12x12 cardstock (I used white).  Cut the following dimensions:

2 - 9 1/2" x 5 1/8"
1-  6 9/16" square

Step 1:  Score the 2 pieces of 9 1/2" at 1/2" and 4 3/4" so you have a 1/2" section and 2- 4 1/2" sections.
Step 2:  Apply glue (I used double-sided tape) to the 1/2" section and glue it to the 4 1/2" section of your second piece of 9 1/2" x 5 1/8".  Repeat.  This will make a box.
Step 3:  Score your 6 9/16" square 1" on each side.

Step 4:  Using a cutting template (or tracing around the opening of the tissue box), cut an oval shape from the center of the 6 9/16" piece. 

Step 5:  Cut one side of the squares that were made when you scored the 9 1/16" piece.  You will need the cuts to be able to fold this piece into the lid. 
Step 6:  Using some adhesive (I used an adhesive square), fold the cut square under to form the lid.

Step 7: Once you have made the lid, place it INSIDE the box you have created and apply adhesive so that it stays. 
Step 8:  DECORATE!!

Your teacher will thank you!!  And don't stop there...get started on Christmas or birthday presents.  Who doesn't like a pretty tissue box?  I even made one for my office!!


Products Used:
#1355 Preschool
#1359 3rd/4th Grade

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